Personal Property at Camp

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We make every reasonable effort to safeguard everyone’s personal belongings at camp; however, families should be aware that any property sent to camp may not return in the same condition or at all. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.

There are some items that we do not allow at camp

  • By policy, campers and seasonal staff are not allowed pets at camp.
  • We are a nut-free facility; anything containing nuts brought to camp may be confiscated.
  • Skateboards, roller or inline skates
  • Any controlled substances such as tobacco, vapes, alcohol, or recreational drugs.
  • Weapons or anything that easily lends itself to being used as a weapon, including pocket knives or multi-tools with a blade.
  • Magazines or print material with adult-oriented content, including publications like Cosmo or Men’s Health.

For other items, we advise against bringing

  • Expensive cameras, sporting equipment, musical instruments, clothing, makeup, or jewelry.
  • Anything of sentimental value that would cause distress should it be lost or damaged.

YMCA Hayo-Went-Ha Camps are drug, tobacco/vape, and alcohol-free facilities. Persons suspected of bringing such items to camp face possible search of their personal belongings when on Camp property.

Campers bringing personal sports equipment to camp do so at their own risk. Hayo-Went-Ha Camps assumes no liability for personal items brought to camp. Anything brought to camp that we determine to be detrimental to the program or dangerous can be confiscated to be returned at the end of your camper’s time with us.

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